Guess what!

Not chicken butt. But (see what I did there?) this: I AM WRITING MY THESIS.

So the end is near. BUT (again!) that means I have precious little time for knitting these days. So I have been doing some precious little knitting. (Oh, stop!)

lovely kina

Pattern: Kina (child size) by Muriel Agator
Yarn: Knit Picks Shine Sport in green apple, 3 skeins + about 6 yards
Needles: US 5 & 6
Started: June 18
Finished: July 10
For: my niece Alice, who just turned 2 (on July 8. Oops.)

It turned out cute, didn’t it?

Things I changed from the pattern: I knit the garter stitch parts a needle size down because a) the neckline looks gargantuan in a lot of the Raverly projects, and b) garter stitch is wider than stockinette anyway, and I wanted the cute poofing at the top, but not the bottom.

Other things I changed: The size I knit. I initially cast on for the 2 year-old size, then knit approximately 80% of it. Then, while showing it off to my knitting group, someone (I forget who) said, “Is that going to fit her?” I guess it looked. Um. Tiny.

So I trotted off (later) to my source of children’s clothing (aka Target) and found something else in 2T. Yup. The sweater I was knitting was waaay too small. So I ripped the entire thing out and started over.

So caveat knitter with this pattern! I think the sizes are off. I was knitting at a different gauge, but I had done the requisite math (I’m good at math) so I don’t think the whupsie was mine.

Also caveat shopper the little girls’ clothing department and Target: it is a dangerous place to be. I ended up getting this dress to go along with the sweater.

kina plus dress I got to go with it


Well, dangit. The button I had originally picked out for the sweater matched the dress friggin perfectly. But then! After I made the buttonhole nice and er, nice (it was loose and floppy, but then I fixed it) the stupid perfect button didn’t fit anymore! So I had to find a new one.

I like the new one, but it’s not perfectly perfect like the old one. Still matches, though.

kina detail

Kinda hard to tell from the picture, but it’s orange in the center and pink on the outside. And I really hope this fits! It’s late, but she won’t notice, right? Hell, she might–she’s a really smart kid. I had to basically knit the whole thing twice, so maybe she’ll cut me some slack, yes?

Maybe not. Crap, I’m probably going to have to knit her something epic next year to make up for it. Anyone have a good pattern for a pony?