Well honk my hooter. I got the Jitterbug box yesterday. Special delivery, FedEx Saturday. That ain’t cheap. In it were four skeins.

jitterbug skeins 1

Much to my disappointment, it did NOT contain my very favorite Velvet Plum, the color with which I have fallen madly in love, and that I specifically told Sharon that I liked. Oh well. Maybe they hadn’t had any lying about. This makes me sad because, like star-crossed lovers, our passion can never be realized. I’m not paying for this stuff again. Well, not until the yardage is increased, that is, and only then with trepidation. Sigh.

jitterbug skeins bright charcoal

So, two skeins of bright charcoal (so I can make a complete pair of socks for myself, to match the ones I’ve already finished, apparently), one of copperbeach, and one of moss. I’m not so much digging the moss. I would like it a lot better without those weird red splotches in there. Ah, whatever. I’m not feeling particularly enthused to knit with this yarn anytime soon anyway (really? no!), so into the stash they go. Maybe when I unearth them again in, say, January, I will feel the old love. But not now. It was my yarn, but it was doin’ me wrong.

jitterbug skeins moss and copperbeach

I find it kind of funny that they came pre-wound in happy little yarn cakes for me. Sharon included a note in which she apologized again, and also stated she had them wound especially for me. Well thank you, but I know damn well that they weren’t wound for my convenience, they were wound to check for knots. Can’t blame her really—what kind of idiot wouldn’t check for knots in yarn being sent to a person who originally complained about knots? Nevertheless, I chuckled.

Onward and upward.

I finished socko numero uno of my sock pal socks. The pattern is Rococo, by Anne Hanson, and the yarn is Fleece Artist Merino in a fabulous Project Spectrum red. Love it!

1st Rococo 2

So pretty. I just adore her patterns. They’re so fun that it’s hard to put those needles down and do something else like, I dunno, sleep. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, if you haven’t tried any of her patterns yet, for shit’s sake get thee over to knitspot.com and buy some! She sells the downloadable versions for around $4.50 apiece, so they can be in your hot little hands as soon as you can go shopping for the yarn. Do it. Doooo eeeeet.

Okay, I’ll take my “I heart Anne” t-shirt and my pom-poms and go sit in the corner now. Sorry.

I haven’t heard the reaction to Steggy yet. Nephew E’s birthday was actually Friday, but his friends party was yesterday, and the family party is today. So he hasn’t opened it yet, I guess. I hope he loves it! If not I’m taking it back.

Just kidding! I think.